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Thoughts from Jeremy
I write books (fiction and nonfiction), screenplays, and teleplays. My influences include Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, David Foster Wallace, Kingsley Amis, and Mikhail Bulgakov (fiction); and Charlie Kaufman, Vince Gilligan, Noah Hawley, and the Coens (screenwriting).
I self-published a novel titled The Shallow End (available on Amazon). Not too many people have read it, but those who have seem to have enjoyed it.
Writing: About
During (and shortly after) law school, I published a few legal articles:
Thomas V. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.: Semantics, Fiduciary Duty, and an Outdated Distinction (Case Comment)
In Thomas v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.,the Tenth Circuit held that the broker exemption of the IAA applied to the activities of a Metropolitan Life (MetLife) representative. Although the court’s analysis was couched as an exercise in statutory interpretation, its plain language analysis of the statute was flawed and created an overly-broad exemption that will result in the improper exclusion of broker activities from the requirements of the IAA.
Enhancing SEC Disclosure with Interactive Data (Article)
This paper explores SEC disclosure and data tagging, addressing the need for tagging not only in the proxy process, but also in connection with other data collected by the Commission. It calls for the SEC to adopt clear policies in the area that will “empower regulators, investors, academics, and other market participants and observers by dramatically increasing the use of interactive data."
Denver Law Review - JOBS Act Issue (Edited Law Review Issue)
I edited this special issue of the Denver Law Review Online. The issue features eight student articles covering different aspects of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, the landmark legislation passed by Congress in 2012 "[t]o increase American job creation and economic growth by improving access to the public capital markets for emerging growth companies." The articles were written by students in Professor Brown's seminar and underwent several rounds of editing both in the seminar and by DULR Online.
Disclosure and the SEC's Lukewarm Embrace of Data Tagging (LinkedIn Posted Article)
In spite of its embrace of disclosure as a tool to foster healthy financial markets (and, notably, as an alternative to tighter regulation), the SEC has been slow and fitful in its efforts to take advantage of technological advancements--such as tagged interactive data--that would facilitate broader and deeper analysis of disclosed data.
Think Tanks and Economic Development (Working Paper)
“Think tanks” are typically defined as organizations that perform independent research on public policy. Under this broad umbrella, think tanks may differ along certain dimensions. Modern think tanks have different areas of focus (e.g., social policy and foreign policy), governance, structure, funding models, levels of outreach, and political affiliations. This working paper explores the intersection of think tanks and community economic development efforts.
Writing: Text
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