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Distinctive Chatter is a play on a phrase you often see if you watch a film or show with captions: "[Indistinct chatter]." For example, the background conversation in a restaurant. So if I'm going to chatter, I'll try to make it distinctive: useful, entertaining, authentic, with voice.​

About: About

This is my authentic personal space on the web, where I will share inter alia ideas, plans, commitments, and reflections.


There are a few Jeremy Liles out there--I'm the one who likes to build: products, stories, the occasional piece of furniture.


I hope you'll learn about me through my actions and posts, but here is the executive summary:

  • I create: stories, relationships, products

  • I'm from Michigan, but I've spent most of my adult life in NYC, with some meaningful stints in Denver and Atlanta

  • Many of my interests have resulted in academic degrees (e.g., MFA, MBA, JD)

  • I'm a lot like you

About: Text

I look more or less like this:

About: Image
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